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Defining moment.


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Just wondering. When you decided you wanted to go home was it a gradual thing or was there a defining moment. For me it was the latter, I was watching Will and Kates wedding on TV and the camera was looking down the Mall with all those Union Jacks flying. It gave me goose bumps and I knew in that moment. It's been three years since then and for one reason or another we haven't been able to go, however 2015 is going to be the year.

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It's a gradual thing, we were hoping and hoping and hoping that things were going to get better in Oz. After a few months they weren't so that's when I decided that my family and I were better off back home in the UK before we got sucked into the aussie way and couldn't get back. Hate to say it we've been back 12 months now and haven't looked back. Good luck on whatever you choose.

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