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Shabby poorly built and...

Guest Guest26110

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That is not a "toilet in a laundry room". It is a bathroom with the laundry appliances in it. In the absence of a dedicated laundry would you prefer that they were in the kitchen? This is pretty common in renovations of Victorian homes in Melbourne where a bedroom is sacrificed to bring both a bathroom and laundry inside. The laundry appliances are often in a large cupboard in the bathroom. This is because laundries were built as separate out houses to stop any potential fire risk from the copper used to boil the clothes

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I have to agree with this. We have a separate toilet but we have a basin in it. It's only a small basin as it's only a small space but it's big enough to wash your hands in. To me the idea of touching the door handles going from the toilet to the bathroom yo wash your hands is just wrong. I'd feel the need to disinfect the door handle every time someone had been to the toilet.


Get a silver plated handle, self sterilising.

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