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820/801 questions and help!


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Hey guys just a few questions. My WHV expires on 27th December, is there like a minimum time before that, that I will need to lodge my 820 application? We're planning on early December but just wanted to check there wasn't like a 2 month deadline before a previous visa expires.

also I was wondering if anyone would mind reading my personal statement as to be honest I feel like at times I'm being too factual and clinical about it like I'm writing an essay and at other times that I'm almost over proving. If someone could give it a read and give me any pointers that'd be great!

Mine last thing, is it best to not include police check from UK and medical check until requested because they only last one year?

thanks guys!

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I can't help with the question on when to lodge, but I don't think you should leave it too late as you need the bridging visa to kick in while the 820/801 is being processed and DIBP might close down for a period of time over Christmas. If you want to PM me the statement, I'll check it if you want but it doesn't have to be flowery, just write from the heart, how you feel, how you felt when you met. Mine was like a love story. In fact, mine was our love story. I even put little anecdotes in, silly little things. I'm not sure it made any difference, other than to perhaps make our CO think I was a bit nutty lol. Don't include the Police Checks or Medicals, wait until they ask otherwise you may have to do them again.

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Thanks for your reply. We were thinking of lodging at the beginning of December. Surely that'd be enough time? I will PM my statement and by all means be brutally honest. Thanks again!


If you are lodging your 820 online then you will get the bridging visa almost immediately. My partner and I applied two days before his visa was due to expire and was issued a bridging visa within hours of lodging the application.


re statements, I think your really thinking about it too much. So long a all your facts match up then you have no problems. Mine read like a story and I spoke about my feelings at certain stages of our relationship. I included all the big milestones in our relationship and how it developed eg moving in together, moving houses, meeting family etc. my partner on the other hand was just all about facts. He didn't a talk about his feelings. But we both made sure out dates matched up and that we both mentioned similar things. At the end we talked about what we wanted for the future of our relationship eg getting married, having children, building a home in melbourne.


So don't stress too much about it :)

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Engages thank you for that. You and your partner sound like me and mine, mine is also like a story and I have spoken about my feelings, whereas his is very to the point and factual! Thank you for letting me know about the bridging visa and stuff as I was worried id run out of time before it was issued!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stumbled upon this post and thought I would comment :)...


I sponsored my partner onshore for 801/802 Defacto Visa in August 2012, He received his permanent residency 2 weeks ago! So as you can see it is a long process but worth it! before we lodge our application he was also on a 457 working visa and had 5 days until this expired! when we lodge our paper application via express post, we received an email from the dept of immigration 2 days later advising that they had received the application and my partner was granted a bridging visa.

I would definitely submit a complete application (that’s what we did) i.e. overseas police checks etc, because if the department have to contact you for this information it can delay the decision making process etc etc etc. The personal statements that we wrote when I read back on them, they are very formal and include a lot of information (probably more than what was required!). Our statements was both about 2-3 pages long. During the whole process I found online forums to be a massive help J.


Try not to stress, easy for me to say though as I was stressing through the whole 2+ Years!

PM anytime :smile:

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