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Metal Machinist skills assessment for 189


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Hey PIO'S,


We are wanting to move over to Perth, I'm a paramedic and my husband is a CNC & Manual Miller; the Ambo service aren't recruiting for some time so I'm led to believe so we are thinking a 189 visa will be our best option.

My job isn't on the SOL by my husbands is, he has been engineering for 19 years and did his apprenticeship in the late 90's where he got NVQ 2s. Does anyone know if this will be ok in the TRA skills assessment? Not that we have another option lol, but just curious if that is what the TRA want.

Also if there are any other machinists I'm sure he would be grateful to hear from you.

Thanks in Advance,

Mel & Wayne

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Sorry to resurrect this thread...... I've rummaged about and found my husbands certificates for his job as a precision engineer. They're NVQ 1 & 2, he's been with the same company for nearly 20 years and works as both a manual and CNC Miller, his company did his apprenticeship but didn't give him or anyone any type of comfirmation of this other than the NVQ certificates, And the company that ran the apprenticeship scheme back then no longer exists.


What else can we add to this to prove what he does? I'm sure plenty of people have come across this situation before, how do you get around it?


We've had a quote from an agent to help with the process, but quite honestly we don't have another 2.2k in the pot to be able to afford it, so we are flying solo and not in any rush, so hopefully it'll all come good.


Any pointers/advice would've very gratefully received.



Mel & Wayne

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I would expect its ENTRA that was the company that ran the scheme, they are still around but under a new name now


Sadly not, it was Headwey. Do you do the same job Steven? If so, did you write a detailed job history? Not a CV, but just details of what your job involves

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