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Jobs in Information Security


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Hi All,


I am planning to move to Australia in 2015 and would like to know how to get jobs in Information Security/IT security? which state in Australia has demands in this field ? Any comments suggestions for me to get job in this field is most welcome. I am from India and have also Studied and worked in the UK , currently in India but will be moving to Australia next year. Please let me know your experiences if any.



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Not sure about the current state of Information Security, but IT in general isn't doing really well these days. You may have had a look at the sticky thread (http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/jobs-careers/153785-field-thread.html) on this forum in addition to other threads on tech sites such as Whirlpool where people have been ranting about how bad the market is. I work in IT and I would be lying if I said everything is hunky dory. However I hope things change in the near future.


To answer your questions:


1) States with demand in IS/IT Security - NSW and VIC have been the front runners, but I believe QLD is picking up too. Again ,there's a lot of competition in these states as they continue to attract a lot of IT professionals.


2) Suggestions - Since the IT industry is very competitive at the moment, "most" recruiters won't bother responding unless you're in the country. Having said that, keep applying and building your professional network.


I don't mean to discourage you, but if you currently have a stable job, it's probably not worth giving it up and moving here until you have managed to find yourself a job. It may be a good idea to do a reccie during which you could catch up with recruiters and get an idea of the market.


Good luck!

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Thanks Catalyst2012 for the prompt response. I understand what you wanted to convey.


Members with experience who secured jobs before landing in Australia might give me some motivation or ways to secure job for me and others with similar plans like mine.

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My OH got a job with WA State Government as a Network Security specialist from the UK but that was back in 2008, I lot has happened in the economy since then. I am now back in the UK so out of touch with the local job market but I would suggest you focus your efforts on the consultancies such as Ajilon, Accenture, IBM etc. - you can easily find info on the consultancies that operate in Australia online - here is a start http://www.consultingcase101.com/forum/Thread-List-of-consulting-firms-in-Sydney-Australia


You are more likely to get a role from offshore with one of these big companies than by applying directly to roles on Seek, which primarily are agents who won't waste their time on off-shore candidates.

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