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Looking to meet up in the Redlands


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Hi, myself and my partner moved to the Redlands area of Brisbane a year and a half ago from South Wales. We are enjoying the aussie lifestyle but are struggling to get a social circle of friends like we had back home. We are both in our mid to late 30's, Im a fitter and my partner is a dental assistant. No children as of yet. We would love to meet up with other couples or families in the area if anyone is interested and become a step closer to making some friends here.:smile:


Carl and Amanda

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Hi scubaslocs. To meet people here in the Redlands, you really need to get involved in various groups and activities. There are a number of running/walking groups - check the local paper and the library website, but off the top of my head there is a group that meets every Saturday in Thornlands and another that meets at Victoria Point, and numerous others. Also try Meetups on line - there are a number of groups that organise drinks and dinner get togethers locally for various age groups. It depends what your interest are. I am relatively new to this area and I've found that I've met a number of people at the local dog park. You would be surprised just how many people are in the same situation as you........you've just got to get out and join a number of groups until you find the one that is right for you - from there friendships grow!

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