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best pet shipping company advice


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Hey Julie

The best shipping company is the one you like the best! Some people like one and some people like another, so get a bunch of quotes and chat to people and see who you like the best. Some companies include a lot so seem more expensive, some include little so seem cheaper. Key thing is to check what is included and what is not and then you can decide which is the best value.


Key thing is to get the rabies work started early it needs starting at least 7 months before the flight - so rabies vaccine, then 3-4 weeks after rabies blood sample and then your dogs can fly 180 days after the rabies blood sample.



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Yes get to speak to a number of them on the phone. We were amazed at the different attitudes. One was really arrogant and said they were very busy and didn't really have time to talk but would send e mails. We thought that we didn't want a Company that was too busy to reassure owners. Another turned out to be based in the USA with a UK agent who wasn't answering the UK phone! We went with Golden Arrow in the end - personal service and they were great. Collected 2 cats in special made to measure hand built crates and as it was deep snow and freezing, kept the cats in their house at nights. We felt that they had the best attention and it took a load off our minds at a busy time.

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Also, one thing which amazed me is that people dont know where their pet shipper is based. Often, the pets are collected and taken back to the catteries/kennels and then they have a big long drive down to the airport before they start this mammoth journey. Some have bases very close to Heathrow, so there is a much shorter drive to the airport and some are based much further away. So the best shipper may be the one closest to you!

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