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Australian Poverty Rate 13.9%

Guest The Pom Queen

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I watched the Danish show Borgen and was surprised that most of the people featured had pretty high power jobs. Major character being the PM who quit then started her own party and challenged for power again. What surprised me was just about all of them seemed to be getting round on bicycles and living in pretty average sized apartments. I can't remember one of them owning a house and most didn't seem to have a car.


A big fan of Borgen among other Danish shows. Having spent eight months in Denmark, getting around by cycle is normal practice in that city and Copenhagen is among the principle cycle cities in the world. Many do rent and in the city not a lot of need to own a car. Still a fair number do but cycle to work. A very highly rated country in happiness stakes and

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Then the ones who are happy stop the payments, put them on work for the dole schemes, ones who are knowingly active in looking and taking two or three jobs should be getting the low wages topped up with dole as well, thats an incentive, pay back when you get better wages.


Work for the dole schemes don't work. This right wing "solution" has been proved ineffective and why it is constantly wheeled out on this forums in place of real solutions like training and real job creation is hard to answer.

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Work for the dole schemes don't work. This right wing "solution" has been proved ineffective and why it is constantly wheeled out on this forums in place of real solutions like training and real job creation is hard to answer.



> Are you saying there are no opportunities for training available?


> What is "real job creation?"


Governments can create an environment where employers consider it worthwhile to take on employees, or where overseas businesses consider there are benefits in setting up. You can be assured that Governments of a right of centre persuasion are more likely to put in place such policies.


Reduce the corporation tax rate, and create more flexibility for employers to hire (and fire) and employment participation rates will improve. IMHO.


Best regards.

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Then the unemployment payment should be in the form of food stamps or some other form of voucher as not to allow the miss use of dole money, and direct debit payments via the dole to the renting agencies for any accommodation lived in.

The dole is a loan in my book and should be paid back, especially if you have never worked in the first place, bit like a student loan, it is also a stop gap not a way of life.


No it shouldn't imo, except in exceptional circumstances where family may be suffering due to money being misused. Treat people like adults and assist if required with financial management. How about laying of more state intervention and less nannying? The dole is not and should not be a loan. Nothing akin to student loan.

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> Are you saying there are no opportunities for training available?


> What is "real job creation?"


Governments can create an environment where employers consider it worthwhile to take on employees, or where overseas businesses consider there are benefits in setting up. You can be assured that Governments of a right of centre persuasion are more likely to put in place such policies.


Reduce the corporation tax rate, and create more flexibility for employers to hire (and fire) and employment participation rates will improve. IMHO.


Best regards.


Or in the case of the present government by far the greatest number of jobs have gone to new arrivals according to recent stats. Yes I am saying fewer training apprenticeships are at lows. Far more cost efficient to import those trained at others expense. Not to mention the 457 rorts of course.


No create more job security not less. The trend for the casualization of the Australian work place is nothing positive to anyone but employers. Even the economy suffers as those with the feeling of security spend more, loan more and keep the tills ticking over.

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