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IELTS after lodgement of 885 (transitional applicant)


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I applied for my TR prior to 8th february 2010, and applied to PR after june 2012.. (transitional applicant)


At the time of application I did not have 7 each for my IELTS - which required me to get the 120 points. but at the time of application i had competent english (6 each)











I am worried my application will be rejected or as I am a transitional applicant - is IELTS is point of decision requirement?

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When you applied:


Competent English was a time of application criterion.

Qualifying points was a time of decision criterion.



Sorry I am confused, with blossom79 comment and yours.. Wrussell, do you think my application will be rejected


when I applied (june 2012 - and I am a transitional student) if competent english was a time of application criteria and qualifying points was a time of decision criterion that mean I am safe,, even though I suppled 7 each after lodgement

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  • 1 month later...
If you didn't then you are not.


You sounds pretty confident about What you Think.....


Anyway, I got my PR... FYI to anyone who read this thread, if you have applied for 885.. (this sub class not available to apply) you have two important dates,, date of application and date of assessment.. if you can provide IELTS and can pass the point test on the day of decision you will get visa,, - I might be wrong consult a migration agent if you are worried...



Thanks to


who even sent me a private message explaining my situation...

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