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Moving back to UK with Australian wife - how do we do it ?


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Forgive me if this sounds a bit ignorant , i just have no idea where to start. I came to OZ in 1970 when i was only 10 and now 34 years later, my wife and I want to move to UK - possible permanently , but for at least 2 - 3 years to start with. We have no children and want to do a bit of travelling and just live a bit of a different life for a while. i have some family still there. I have Australian citizenship and my wife was born here in OZ. I guess I can move back to UK but how does my wife come along with me ? I also wonder about the wages there as I am only a tradie and wife is not working at the moment. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi and welcome. I'm fairly new to this forum myself and I'm sure others with more knowledge than me will be along. We're in a similar position, except reversed. I'm a Kiwi and OH is the Brit. We haven't lived in the UK since 1991 and are considering returning next year.


Basically you'll need to apply for a spouse visa for your wife. The main basis for that is either that you (as the UKC) have been working for at least six months leading up to the application, and earning at least the equivalent of GBP18,600 per annum, and you have a job to go to in the UK starting within three months of your arrival earning at least the same amount. The other way to do it is on savings, which means you need at least GBP62,500 in accessible savings. You need to have had control of this money for at least six months, although I believe that if the cash is from the sale of a property which you owned, that six month requirement doesn't apply.


Hope this helps.

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With great difficulty under the current partner visa rules. You need a salary of over £18,000 or so (in UK) to be able to sponsor her or have over £64,000 in savings.


Read the UK gov site for all the info on partner visas.

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Or, check out her family history! If she has a UK born parent, she's in luck as she would likely be a citizen by descent herself. Failing that, keep fingers crossed for a UK born grandparent and she can go for an Ancestry visa. Failing all of those, is she eligible for an EU visa through other ancestry?


Otherwise you may be up the creek!

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thanks for the responses. No she doesnt have any UK or any other ancestry unfortunately. Looks like well have to save up the GBP62,500 . Could take a while though !

Or, get a job before the move with income £18+k and evidence your Aus payslips earning equivalent or more. It's a horrid situation and whilst I can see why they did it, it's a bit of a hammer to crack a nut and isn't catching the rorters anyway as they seem to be well cashed up. Good Luck!

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It's way more complicated than the Oz Defacto visa I applied for sadly, sooo much red tape. I'll be following with interest as I want to go home too and have an aussie spouse with no recent UK ancestry.


Good luck with it all and do let us know how you get on :)

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