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189 queries!


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does anyone know if the points for this visa have gone back to 60 instead of 65?! I read that they had but not sure if old info?!

Also, what different bits of info do I need to send with the main application as I seem to b sending a lot with the EOI.

And finally, does anyone know if work experience as a midwife could also incorporate nursing work experience? I am asking as there was a time when I reduced my midwifery hours but did xtra nursing shifts; would this b considered as a closely related profession?

thanks in advance for any advice!

jill x

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does anyone know if the points for this visa have gone back to 60 instead of 65?! I read that they had but not sure if old info?!

Also, what different bits of info do I need to send with the main application as I seem to b sending a lot with the EOI.

And finally, does anyone know if work experience as a midwife could also incorporate nursing work experience? I am asking as there was a time when I reduced my midwifery hours but did xtra nursing shifts; would this b considered as a closely related profession?

thanks in advance for any advice!

jill x


I just got my visa granted and it was 60 for a 189. You don't 'send' any documents with the EOI. You're just claiming points on that. The full visa app itself requires you to attach documents supporting your points claims.


Are you sure you've read the full 189 instructional pages at IMMI? It's all there on those pages... http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/189.aspx

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My case officer requested by birth certificate and P60/pay slips to prove my current employment. I'm guessing they are going to front load these proofs when they can.


Currently preparing my documents for hopeful invite very soon!


May I ask, how many P60'a and payslips did they ask for? And did you get them all certified copies?

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does anyone know if the points for this visa have gone back to 60 instead of 65?! I read that they had but not sure if old info?!

And finally, does anyone know if work experience as a midwife could also incorporate nursing work experience? I am asking as there was a time when I reduced my midwifery hours but did xtra nursing shifts; would this b considered as a closely related profession?


jill x


The minimum points required are 60.


A 'closely related occupation' is defined as an occupation within the same ANZSCO Unit Group which is reflected in the first four digits of the ANZSCO number. Midwife is ANZSCO 254111 so is in Unit Group 2541. Registered Nurses however are in Unit Group 2544.

http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Previousproducts/915C6E1B056808D8CA2571E20083549F?opendocument ANZSCO Minor Group 254


If you fall short of points because you can't claim some of your work experience, IELTS is probably the best way to increase them. You of course need to do the Academic test for skills assessment but if you can only manage all 7s on that, you can do then do the General test (which is easier) for points in the hop of getting all 8s.

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