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887 dilemma

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I am on a 457 visa and according to the requirements I have to live (for two years) and work(for one year) in a regional area. My two years will be up on November 21/2014.I'd like to say I've have met the requirements BUT...


my question is:

1. can I apply now or am I eligible to apply only after 21 Nov 2014, some say I can, some say I can't:wacko:


2. within these two years I travelled overseas, 3 months last year and 3 months this year. Do you think I have to stay for another 6months in this regional area (Darwin..:arghh:phew! to be precise) before I apply 887 visa.I went to the immigration office here, the officer there said he cannot help me with my query, then I called the Adelaide office twice and they kept me on hold for more than 40 minutes each.. so am totally beat :twitcy:


thank you,



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A 475 visa??


The requirements are you need to be living in Australia for at least 2 years before applying- considering you have spent 6 months out of the country within these 2 years I would expect that you will not meet the requirements in Nov, as you have not lived in Australia for 2 years only 18 months.

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