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Need some advice on short-term rental in Sydney


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Hi all,


I plan to move to Sydney in february '15. I will need to find a job (IT) and some place to live.


Do you think staying in a serviced appartment for 7 or 8 weeks would be enough ? I'm a bit scared to be "short" on the duration and maybe need more time to settle, or maybe I am a bit pessimistic ? What is your experience ? Can you extend your short-term stay if you need it ?


Is it too early to book this short-term rental ? Any advice on how to negotiate on the costs ?


Finally, I still wonder about how to get an internet connection when I have arrived. I really will need this for my research. Either I rent an appartment with an internet connection or I buy a usb dongle with some data plan. Which one is the best according to you and your experience ?



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Most people find their permanent rental in 3-4 weeks, unless you are thinking that you don't want to take on a permanent place until you have a job, I would say your 7-8 weeks is a bit much. I can see no harm in booking temporary /arrival accommodation now.


Your serviced apartment might have free wifi, if not then a dongle would be cheaper.

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