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Form 80 - Help!


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Hi All


I am trying to complete the previous travel section in the Form 80 for myself and my partner.


We have both travelled to Tunisia due to my employer sending me there in 2007 for just over 1 year and again for two short business trips in 2009. Due to the proximity of Tunisia to the UK and my partner remaining in the UK during this time, I have A LOT of Tunisian entry / exit stamps in my old passport (25 stamps!). The stamps reflect the date of entry / exit and the stamps are predominantly in Arabic with the day and year in numbers that I can read - the month is in Arabic and some of the stamps are old.


I am not an Arabic speaker or reader and rather than guess (using something like Wikipedia) and make a mistake, can I just scan the pages of my old passport and make a statutory declaration saying that I worked in Tunisia with frequent travel back to the UK with the associated approximate dates and have it signed by a JP? Or is there another form issued by the Federal Government that I should be using?


All the other stamps (including others to the Arab world) in my passport are perfectly legible.


Any advice?


Thanks in advance.



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Not exactly the same situation exactly but I had a problem with finding out all dates due to a lot of trips.


The first thing I did was spend a LONG time looking through old digital photos with time stamps and also checking all emails for flight confirmations or info.


Then I filled in Form 80 with dates (I seem to remember you had to fill in every part - day, month and year) and in the additional notes at the back of the form I wrote something along the lines of "Due to multiple trips into Europe some dates are approximate".

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