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World's best gelato in Enmore

Naomi from Manchester

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Cow and The Moon on Enmore road, apparently.


I do like it there, but I'm a tad surprised - best in the whole wide world!


I was last there 3 weeks ago and none of the flavours really grabbed me. (I do still sometimes think about their hot cross bun flavour from April).


Will have to pop in again tomorrow.



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Gelato and ice cream (or is 'ice-cream' too 'common' now?) shops seem to be increasing around here. There is one, Messina, I think it's called in Crown St near The White Horse, that has huge queues, which means that, I, of course, refuse to go there. In my cynicism, I believe that the 'trendies' text and phone each other, to make sure the queue is long enough to warrant them seeing and being seen!? I guess, my inner 'chav' tells me that if I want an ice cream I'd rather just get a Magnum or a Heaven from a 7-11.

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No mate, no!


I understand where you're coming from but the flavours at Messina are truly out of this world! I still think about one of the weekly specials a few months back; 'Ode to Zeno' - rose water gelato with crushed pistachio, whipped cream and rose water soaked brioche.


I'm able to go mid week during the day so I've never had to Q and they don't mind me taking my time to try lots of flavours before deciding.


Please, do yourself a favour! Give it a go and report back! I defy you not to be impressed.


I think that gelato has a different texture from ice cream, it's a bit more gloopy, but essentially it is just the Italian version. (I think, I may be wrong).


I also had some great ice cream at Kangaroo Valley last weekend, there's a couple of shops there where they take great pride.


However, my local, Gelato Blue in Newtown, will always be my favourite and most frequented.

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