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Where to get boxes????


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Just look online for shipping boxes and find the best price (and quality if you want decent double walled ones). I think I used some from Seven Seas and then a batch online, book boxes and tea chest size.

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If you're having full service from a shipping company they will supply them - otherwise search on-line as suggested if you want new ones.


We found a place local to us in Perth that sold 'secondhand' boxes - actually the ones we got weren't, they were just surplus boxes from a pharmaceutical company and then after we'd used them they bought them back so it worked out very cheap.


Looked recently for something similar in Scotland and couldn't find anything - only a recycled box company that had a 'buy back' price - no good if you're shipping overseas. It may be worth looking around local to you though to use if you can buy used ones - or advertise on Gumtree. We've got a container worth of Grace ones in our loft and if we saw someone wanting to buy locally we might sell 'cos we're not moving again!!!!!!

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