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So why is it then that I get the impression people belive their new australian lifestyle suddenly becomes the benchmark


I have no idea - all I saw was someone expressing a bit of happiness for how things had worked out for them and then being shot down in a rather personal way for their attitude. Not everyone has an axe to grind, but sometimes those that do frighten others off from expressing themselves. Personally I don't care whether people are happy in Aus or in the UK - I just struggle with anyone who posts simply to try to take the joy out of someone else's life.



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I get where Paul is coming from. I don't think he was trying to take away from anyone's happiness, I just think he was trying to say what did they expect UK people to be doing differently, since life just goes on for them, the same as life has just gone on for me and my family since we moved here 13 years ago. My parents have been out to visit us 5 times since we have lived here, and I can honestly say that we wouldn't have been doing anything differently from the first to last visit, and that's over a period off ten years. It just came across, to me anyway, that she was saying it was a bad thing that people were still the same and nothing had changed. Me? I'd hate to go home for a visit and everyone moved and changed, it's bad enough seeing all the nieces and nephews etc have grown and you realize that that you have missed out on so much. That's my two pence worth anyway lol .

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