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Opportunities and Training

Guest JayZ

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So I've a real opportunity now. Two years at least before we can migrate (well, 18 months or so really) as the better half is a nurse and she's now enrolled to upgrade her Advanced Diploma to Degree.


I now have an opportunity to spend the next 2 years (or 18 months, lol) getting all Aussified.


I appreciate that my current qualifications mean diddly squat in the Aus market, however, would like to stick with something similar to that which I'm doing now... possibly down the route of NBN engineering / support. Currently I'm a field engineer working with Satellite TV & IRS (one dish many connections, e.g. block of flats), Fibre Satellite (again.. IRS), Broadband, WiFi hotspot installation and Service.


Any folks in that field out there in Aus that could give me some pointers in the direction of the relevant requirements required to work in that field?

I've looked and looked at the training opportunities available and to be honest... confused to heck. It's maybe my brain not being able to make the leap to Aus qaulifications or I'm kinda looking at myself having to basically be an apprentice all over again doing installation work that's more residential based (one dish, couple of boxes, surround sound, etc) which I'm happy with... but prefer the challenge of the larger project management and commercial piece.


I was about to embark on HND in Electrical and Electronic engineering (self funded) but figured I may as well do the Australian equivalent (or at least start it prior to landing) instead.


I know there isn't a direct question as such... I figured I'd let folks read into what I've put and give pointers / assistance where possible. I'd much rather seek opinions based on facts than ask a single direct question, lol.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Mate, please dont think it will be all roses over here please make sure you will have them tinted glasses in your pocket,


NBN, they cannot even get ADSL2 working properly! I think what you do back home in the UK will well adapt you for life over here ! I work longer travel further here in Australia than I ever did back home in the UK I cannot wait until I get my flight back to England been here 3 years got a very well paid goverment job pays above award etc but will take minimum wage to go back to UK

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Thanks for your reply Chris (I'm guessing of the partnership :) )


I don't own rose tinted glasses, and am certainly under no illusions of the similarities and differences between the UK and Aus, I do certainly appreciate your candour.


NBN, they cannot even get ADSL2 working properly! I think what you do back home in the UK will well adapt you for life over here !


Sounds to me like an opportunity in the waiting tbh, but I'll have to wait and see. 2 years is a sufficient time frame for us as a family, and it may well be that circumstances change.


I'm forging ahead with the the HND mainly as it'll spring board towards a Degree if I feel so inclined, but at the same time still achieve qualifications on the journey. In some respects I've always been lucky in that I've found my feet where ever and whatever I do so we'll just see how life pans out.

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I wouldn't really have thought the is anything you can do right now. I think you would need to be in Australia before you can start to get your qualifications "Aussiefied". Just get on with your life and spend next two years enjoying living in UK and exploring Europe.

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