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Honest opinion about areas to live


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Hi, we are moving to Melbourne in January :-)) please can someone give me some advice on areas, we like the look of Sandringham, parkdale, Hampton and mentone. We have 2 children aged 7 & 11 who love sports, scouts, beavers, and if possible a girls football club oh and their independence! It's really important they go to a good primary school and we need make sure there is a good secondary school near by. I would like somewhere that has some shops ie groceries and cafés close by. We also need to near a train station so we can get to the CBD easily. We love modern houses, and we would like somewhere that has a good community spirt and family feel , as it's important our children have other children to play with. We love doing things as a family so hopefully some one can point us in the right direction. I think that's it god my head is spinning!! Any advice would be great x:chatterbox:

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  • 2 weeks later...

We arrived in Melbourne a week and a half ago (2 boys aged 11 and 8). When we'd done our internet research from the UK we'd identified the Bayside area as where we thought we wanted to be - Sandringham & around was high on our list. Once we got here though & started looking around the area, we found that it didn't grab us at all. Various reasons; it looked a bit tired like it had seen better days, Sandringham Secondary school is about to go through a substantial rebuilding of the Beaumaris campus. While this is much needed (it also seemed needed at the Sandringham campus too) it does mean lots of disruption, noise and relocation of children lasting for a long time. In short, the area just didn't feel right for us. Hampton looked OK, we didn't check out Mentone (no school for boys unless you go private or travel). We did like the look of Brighton & the secondary school looked good but it's very expensive & busy. We decided to look elsewhere to see what our other options were &, after various trips around, we've decided Eltham is where we're going. It's north-east of the CBD, lots of green & space, wildlife, train into the CBD. Nice feeling about it, good parks, cafes etc. It's not where we expected to go at all, but it feels like the right place for us & everyone we've spoken to says it's a nice area. We've been on a couple of secondary school tours & have found one which we are very happy with. All the primaries look good. Just got to find ourselves a place to rent now!


The one piece of advice I'd give from our experience is don't finally decide on a suburb before you've been there; have an idea of where you want to go but be flexible enough to change your mind. If you do love it around Sandringham when you get there then perfect, but if you feel, like us, that it's not for you then take a bit of time to find a place which does suit.


Good luck!

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