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Visa 189 can my wife work??


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Hi all,


Two part question


ive not really thought about it until now but I have applied for a 189 visa adding my wife and two children onto it. Is the wife okay to work ? She is a self employed photographer here?


second question:


following on from another post I've just read , would $75,000 a year be enough for a familiy of four to live on in Brisbane / gold coast area? Just until My wife's photography business picks up? My calculations tell me It would be tight , but fine

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Yeah 75k is my minimum figure , but most likely salary from what I can find on the jobs market . I live off 27k here easily ( excluding my wife's salary ) we just save her salary at the moment . According to my calculations 75 k should leave us with 1k a month.......but I could be wrong .

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