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need some friends *Sydney northern beaches area*

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Im Becky, 27 years old and been in australia nearly 4 months on a WHV.

Ive been lucky enough to travel for the whole 4 monghs but now funds are low and the time to work has come. I have just started a job in frenchs forest on the northern beaches and found a house share in belrose so this is where il be fir the next 5 months. The area is incredibly quiet and I don't know anyone so im pretty bored :-(

Looking for some friends in Sydney who I can do the normal social stuff with!

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Hi becky,

Sarah here, I have been in Sydney since June, also looking to meet new people. Meet Up, as somebody suggested is great. You can get it as an App. They have British Expat drinks which is good. I live on the north shore but not the beaches- indeed they sound very quiet! If you want to meet for a drink in the city or Manly that would be nice though, so let me know. Am being a bit homesick but figure getting out is the best thing to do.x



Hey!Im Becky, 27 years old and been in australia nearly 4 months on a WHV.Ive been lucky enough to travel for the whole 4 monghs but now funds are low and the time to work has come. I have just started a job in frenchs forest on the northern beaches and found a house share in belrose so this is where il be fir the next 5 months. The area is incredibly quiet and I don't know anyone so im pretty bored :-(Looking for some friends in Sydney who I can do the normal social stuff with!
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  • 2 weeks later...
i becky,

Sarah here, I have been in Sydny since June, also looking to meet new people. Meet Up, as somebody suggested is great. You can get it as an App. They have British Expat drinks which is good. I live on the north shore but not the beaches- indeed they sound very quiet! If you want to meet for a drink in the city or Manly that would be nice though, so let me know. Am being a bit homesick but figure getting out is the best thing to do.x


Hi guys :)


Thanks for the replies!

I have been to a few meet ups but they seem to always fall on days Im working.

Would be great to meet up If you both still fancy it? Manly would be cool, im also hapoy to travel anywhere really if easier.

Let me know what you think!

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