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When to move ???


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Hi, I'm hoping someone can advise me, we are a family of 4 ( 2 children 11 & 7 ) we have just received our visas last week to move to Melbourne :-)) we are over the moon, but we don't know when to move. My partner is a site manager/joiner and I'm a beauty and holistic therapist. I have read his trade dies down from Nov - Feb is this correct? Also would it be best to apply for jobs before we go? I'm also concerned about the children starting school through a term. Any advise would be great. Thanks :confused:

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Can't comment for Melbourne itself but the school year runs Jan-Dec. Summer hols end the end of Jan. Kids scan tart school mid term here, its perfectly fine. One kid came into our school mid term recently. Others joined at the start of term 2 and 3. Our own child moved schools and began term 3 at the new one. Go with the flow, try not to stress too much about it all, easier said than done I know.


Personally I'd either get out before Nov or wait till Jan sometime and head over then. I'd not want to be stuck in the holiday period paying for short term furnished rental or competing with the tourists for places. Also employment does tend to quieten down in Aus over that Christmas period. Seems to pick up again once schools head back.


Job wise, if you want to apply before you move nothing stopping you but it does seem many Aus employers won't really bother until you are in Aus. Some get jobs before they go but many do not. Have sufficient funds to see you through for a good few months in case work does not happen overnight.


Good luck with it all :)

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Good advice above. I think December / January are not great times to arrive, so either do it before then or after. But it is pretty disruptive to life whenever you do it, so don't agonise over finding that perfect time too much. You probably won't get very far looking for jobs now, if you do it, just make sure you don't get yourself disheartened by lack of response.

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