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What to do if shipping company STEALS some of your stuff!?


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Hi everyone,


Not sure if anyone has any experience of this (hope not!) but I am looking for some advice.


We moved back from Oz last year. The shipping company were an absolute disaster. We had arranged for them to collect our stuff in two batches and then send it all over to the UK in one container.


They messed up and ended up sending the second batch over to Perth for some bizarre reason! It sat there for 3 months before joining the rest of our stuff in the UK.


When it all turned up, a box containing a brand new Evakool camping fridge that we'd just bought for $1000 was empty! So one of the people involved in the move had stolen it. We know it was a malicious act as we had packed sheets inside the fridge for padding and they were still in the box, so someone had gone in and removed the fridge and put the sheets back in the hope no one would notice.


We have claimed on the insurance but, as it wasn't insured specifically, they only want to pay $200!!!


Is there really no way to get more than this considering a criminal act occurred through the carelessness of the shipping company?

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Guest Guest62720

I am A Director of Insure Your Move


I note the incident happened last year and apart from assuming you reported this to Insurers at the time you could have put the remover in Australia and the remover here in the UK 'on notice' that you have suffered a loss/theft and that you reserve the right to make a recovery against them for your loss.


Difficulty you will have is proving when the actual loss occurred, be it during the packing process, unpacking process here in the UK, whilst it was in store or perhaps when it was inspected by Customs and therefore who was actually responsible. If you cannot do this then each party involved in the move chain will simple deny they are responsible and you are back to square one.


In the small print of the removers trading conditions, which you would have signed and agreed to, they limit their liability for loss or damage if they are negligent to around £ 20 per item and this must be done within 7 days or so of your loss, so even then the chances of making a full recovery from them for the true value of your loss is minimal - hence the reason you need to purchase insurance, which you did.


Rather galling it maybe that the removers will not accept responsibility but our advise would be to try and pursue a better settlement with the insurance company.

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I would check to see if they are a member of a trade body and perhaps escalate a complaint through them. I've had nothing but bad experiences with removers to be honest and there is no really good way of resolving things as you end up complaining to the complained about. A small claim for breach of contract is another option of course.

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In my experience insurance companies tend to see what they can get away with in their first offer but if you persist and keep on writing, complaining, objecting and getting their face then an increased settlement is far cheaper for them then the cost of keeping the file open and engaging with you - you may not get the $1000 but certainly I think you should be expecting to get $500 minimum and quite likely more depending how stubborn you can be!



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