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Advice sought regarding Skilled - Nominated (subclass 190) Visa [rookie here]


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Hi Everyone,


My situation is I'm looking to get advice from some experienced users. I've been looking into obtaining the above Visa for myself, with my partner added as an additional applicant.


My current job title and profession of web developer is listed on the Nominated Occupations list for the Australian Capital Territory for potential sponsorship. I appear to meet the requirements set out in the points test and I have managed to get references from my current and previous manager confirming my competency in my nominated role. As I understand it, these are some of the documents required to help obtain a positive skills assessment from the assessing body, the Australian Computer Society.


I just really want some information on the exact process to follow from anyone that's perhaps been in the same boat:

The way I interpret the information on immi.gov.au; the very first thing I should do is to apply to ACS to obtain a skills assessment with all the necessary documentation that entails, before then hopefully being able to lodge an Expression of Interest with Australian Immigration?


At which point if all goes well, is it the case that I'll be invited to apply and it's at that point I can make my application for myself and my partner?

We're in what will be classed as a de-facto relationship I believe, so I'll also need to provide documented proof we have lived together for at least 6 months as far as I can tell.


Is this correct or have I got all my research all wrong, can anyone help steer me in the right direction?


Sorry for the long post I just wanted to provide as much details about my situation as possible and what information I have readily available.

Many thanks

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The occupation is listed as 'closed' with ACT and doesn't appear on any other state lists either. First thing I would recommend is reading the criteria for closed occupations on the ACT website and ensure you meet them before spending any time/money on a skills assessment.

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Thanks very much for the responses I appreciate it, the ACT guidelines stated that with a closed occupation I can apply with a job offer and / or with the nomination of a family member who is resident in the state. Unfortunately I have neither of these things available to me.


I wonder if I've perhaps missed the boat on applying this year already then, my girlfriend and I will have lived together 12 months in March 2015, I wonder if I should simply revisit the situation then.


The only other option that comes to mind is exploring applying under a different nominated occupation. I have 8 years continuous full time employment in IT behind me, the last two as a lead web developer. Perhaps I can obtain references from previous managers confirming that, before 2012, I did work aligned with the ANZSCO job descriptions of occupations on the SOL.


If you have any other recommendations or advice if you were in my situation It'd be really great to hear them.

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For the last couple of years Web Developer hasn't appeared on many state lists so it reasonable to assume that will remain the case for a while.


I'd be happy to help but It's impossible to make an informed assessment without a lot of detailed information such as a CV, date of birth, nationality, family breakdown etc which quite rightfully people do not wish to post on a public forum.

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