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489 visa - good option or not?


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Hi Ozmaniac, thanks very much for the reply. I totally agree that the 189 or 190 are the best options however I'll explain where we are with the points situation:


38yrs - 25 points

Qual & skills - 25 points


IELTS would be a major problem for Paul as he suffers from dyslexia. I'm aware that there is help in the form of extra time but this will not help with the spelling. He has done practice tests and every part is fine except the writing which lets him down i.e. the spelling. I have helped him with this but we have now come to the conclusion that it's not possible for him to pass the test and unfortunately it would be a waste of money to do it.


We had considered other options such as putting everything on hold for a bit in order for me to retrain and possibly go for the visa instead of Paul. However, there are so many things that could change or go wrong in that time: the skills list could change, we will be 40 in less than 2yrs so will lose points for age, I will not get points for experience, I will need to get 20 points on IELTS test. I'm also fully aware that procedures and visa requirements could change at any time.


So taking all of the above into account we have decided to go for the 489 visa now on Paul's skills and gain the extra 10 points from regional sponsorship. The last few days have been tough but now we know where we stand and can move forward to get the process started. The feedback I've received on here has been excellent at pointing out the negatives about the 489 visa so hopefully we are going into this with our eyes wide open. If only there were another way of gaining the extra points to enable us to go for a 189 or 190 visa.....but I cannot see how this is possible.


Many thanks for your help



Oh gosh you have not got any points for IELTS and not even tried? You really really should.


It is not that hard and if he is doing well on three sections and just struggling in writing, then he discloses his dyslexia. As far as I know, the writing test is not a spelling test anyway, it is more about sentence construction and diction.


To say it is a waste of money trying makes no sense to me, it will pay off in bucket loads later. I don't think he should keep on trying over and over again, but I would strongly recommend at least two attempts. He only needs 7s..

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Hi, I have no option other than 489 either as I will be over 40, I was considering applying for regional sponored pr after 12 months on the 489. 12 months working in oz is 5 points, then 5 for the sponorship. Would that be possible?


I am over 40 and have no trouble getting 60 points. Can you post up your breakdown and we can see if you might be missing something?

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Wow, you have 50 points without any IELTS at all! Please get him to try IELTS at least a couple of times. The cost will be a drop in the bucket and will be repaid several times over with just the additional benefits you get if you can get a permanent visa. Here are links to some IELTS threads for encouragement - at least one of them mentions getting IELTS tutoring which might be enough to get him over the line. He only needs 7s and that should be eminently possible for a native English speaker even given that he's dyslexic.




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