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I saw driver almost wipe him/herself out on Harbour Bridge tonight!


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I was in lane three, I think, heading into City, with a bus in lane four, suddenly saw this open top sports car, hit the rim between lanes three and two, where lanes one and two veer to the left and over Circular Quay. Car, wobbled for a few metres then did a complete U turn. The bus and me both stopped and the driver got the car under control and carried on. The cameras probably caught it happen too. Could have been something really nasty.

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Have you been drinking red wine ma`am ..........:policeman:


It was the 'suddenness' and perhaps the 'surrealness' of it, one second, I'm just thinking about the right lane to get into - left for Anzac Bridge, right for City South, and the next I'm braking and scrabbling to find the emergency lights, and worrying about the car pushing up behind me, who is also thinking 'what is this dickhead doing stopping on the Harbour Bridge' (he could not see the car that nearly had the accident because it finished up in front of the bus.


I usually prefer to go over the bridge, rather than through the tunnel, because it's more of an 'experience' - you can't see the Opera House or the harbour of course, but you have to concentrate more on the bridge because the lanes are narrow, and concentrate even more on the so called 'suicide lanes' - the ones nearest the oncoming traffic because there is no safety barrier between lanes. They change the configuration too, in the morning and arvo peak, from 4x4 to 6x2.


I went to Baulkham Hills that night, almost all motorway, apart from Cleveland St, left into South Dowling, then right and down into the Eastern Distributor tunnel. once thru the Harbour Tunnel, expressway all the way to Windsor Road.


I don't know whether the driver was tipsy, but bet they needed a drink afterwards (and maybe a change of pants!)

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That's scary. Just goes to show how quickly you could be wiped out. I remember driving back from Devon, on the last stretch home on the M4. Middle lane and glimpsed a white van man on the hard shoulder waving his arms madly. Less than a minute later I overtook a car then suddenly realised that it was facing the wrong way. Looked the guy squarely in the face and he looked petrified. I don't know what happened after that but it still shakes me up thinking about it!

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