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submitting incorrect EOI information


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I have submitted my EOI with incorrect employment duration as I have misunderstood what they are meaning from the work experience in past ten years. I have a total of 5 and half years experience and Skilled employment of 3 and half years, but in the Work experience topic in the EOI I assumed that they are referring to total work experience in the past ten years. When my friend told me it has to be the Skilled work experience , i have already received the invite to apply 189 visa. I have also applied for 190 as well using the same EOI. Due to this in 189 iclaimed 65 points, but actually it should be 60 points.



Can you please tell me what can i do now?

Should i just apply and while applying attach a letter to explaining the mistake i have done?

Should i wait 60 days to expire the EOI and apply again?

Should i wait till i get 190 and if i get it apply new EOI and inform it to the State(190)?



Appreciate your Comments.

Thanks in advance



PriyaI have submitted my EOI with incorrect employment duration as I have misunderstood what they are meaning from the work experience in past ten years. I have a total of 5 and half years experience and Skilled employment of 3 and half years, but in the Work experience topic in the EOI I assumed that they are referring to total work experience in the past ten years. When my friend told me it has to be the Skilled work experience , i have already received the invite to apply 189 visa. I have also applied for 190 as well using the same EOI. Due to this in 189 iclaimed 65 points, but actually it should be 60 points.



Can you please tell me what can i do now?

Should i just apply and while applying attach a letter to explaining the mistake i have done?

Should i wait 60 days to expire the EOI and apply again?

Should i wait till i get 190 and if i get it apply new EOI and inform it to the State(190)?



Appreciate your Comments.

Thanks in advance




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If you've overclaimed points, the only thing you should do is let this invitation expire and then submit a new EOI with the correct points. Anything else will result in a refusal of your visa AND the loss of your Visa Application Charge.

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