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Hi guys.


If you have done wwofing in a part of Australia that is on the accepted postcode list to qualify for you second year visa does your wwoofing host need to have a wwoofing host number? Or is ABN enough.

Will my visa be accepted with just the farmers ABN number?


Thank you, any help is appreciated :)

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Yes, you may someties need more proof, like rent receipts,and even you withdrawing from your bank account for the area to proof you was actually there. The farmer filling in your 1263 helps too, but sometimes it may not be enough. Get a paper trail

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Yes, you may someties need more proof, like rent receipts,and even you withdrawing from your bank account for the area to proof you was actually there. The farmer filling in your 1263 helps too, but sometimes it may not be enough. Get a paper trail



I have proof that I was in the area and have printed out a load of bank statements to back it up as evidence. On the form is says i need the wwofing host number which i don't know. Also I need how many acres of land they had and where the produce was sold. I know both of those things just not his wwofing host number. It is in the accepted postal area so it should be ok I hope

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I have just text him but he's probably busy working. I have his ABN number and he's signed my form so it should be fine. I have proof that I was in the area from my Bank statements. I also have photos of the farm. So happy that I'm organised and knew this would happen!

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