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Just had our VISA (189) granted.....


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Had the e-mail (and attachments) today, to inform us that our 189 visa(s) have been granted!

Its an amazing relief to finally have the 'OK'.


Each individual 'VISA GRANT NOTICE' states that first entry to Australia must be made by 8th April 2015 - So we are going to set Monday 30th March as our date to leave the UK.


I'm still hoping that Adelaide is where we find ourselves moving to but the job situation still concerns me greatly.


I would also like to say a massive thank you, to everyone that helped us with all our questions and queries throughout the process of getting the VISA..... without all that help we would have definitely had to use an agent.

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Hi and congratulations on getting you 189 visa - must be such a huge relief!!!

We submitted ours last week and I just wondered when you submitted yours and how long did it take before you got called for medicals and police checks and then how long after that until you got your visa?

Also you mention you have to activiate the visa before April 2015 - is that because you have your police checks done in April of this year or is it a new rule?

Congrats once again!!!

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Thanks - a big relief indeed!!


We submitted our application on the 11th March 2014 and we went and did our medicals and Police checks at the tail end of March (IIRC)....

I have to say i am a little baffled by the 'Must Make entry into Australia Before' date, as in the next box 'Must Not arrive after' it gives the date: 7th July 2019.


Before receiving the 4 (my wife, myself and 2xChildren) Visa grant notice documents. I thought that worse case scenario, if were were not in a financial position to move until, say (for example) January 2016. My wife could have traveled alone to Australia, had the visa/passport activated and then come back, buying some time. But it looks like all 4 of us would have to make that journey??


Either way, its good to have a date to work to, and we will use 30th March 2015 (its a Monday).

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Yes that does seem rather odd that the 'must move before' and 'must not arrive after' dates are so different - we have been using a solicitor to help us with our application and I was told that the 'must move by' date is based upon the date of your police check so perhaps that's how they've worked yours?


To confirm it's taken you 4 months to get granted the visa from the date of lodging? I'm trying to work out when we will get ours, we literally lodged a week ago so do you think we'll be looking at about November before we get ours? Am I right in thinking that the 4 months or so that you wait for the visa to be granted you're in limbo wondering whether it's going toget knocked back or should we be thinking that becuase we were invited to reply then the visa is ours??

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I can confirm that 4 months is how long it took - However, my wife was unable to respond to a question they asked on the website for a couple of weeks, and then had a delay on collating the particular piece of information they further requested. So potentially it could have only taken 3 months!!


There is definitely an element of waiting, but correspondence through the immi site was good.


For me, the biggest doubt regarding the Visa being granted, was passing the medical, but i needn't have worried - But still, i never wanted to let myself think it was 'in the bag' untill my wife forwarded me the e-mail this morning :-)

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Seems like you are taking the same approach as us - we're assuming the visa is ours, and have been assured by the solicitor that it is ours, but like you say until you receive that email confirming you've been granted it it's best off not to be too confident because medicals and all sorts could easily change things - thanks for your help and all the best for your move!

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The two dates appear to be relating to the fact that you have 1 year from the earliest of either the PCC or medicals to validate you visa (i.e. enter the country), however you don't have to move entirely within that year as the visa is valid for 5 years. You can move over anytime within that 5 years (as long as it was validated properly within the first). Hope that makes sense!!

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