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Will I be on to a (Dar)winner?


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Bob, now that is ingenuity! Just a thought, at night the net keeps the mozzies out, during the day, invert it into a river and it will keep the barras in! Lol.


Oh dear...Lesson No.1 Netting inland waterways in Australia is illegal...


Lesson No.2 A minimum 4" net...


Lesson No.3 Get a good lawyer if caught...:laugh:


Cheers, Bobj.

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First post - Be nice!


Myself and partner moved to Darwin in November last year. Before this we had been to Australia on an extended holiday travelling from Perth along the coast up to Brisbane. We both work in insurance (yawn) and were offered jobs over here, initially in Sydney for OH but they could place us both in Darwin. So we accepted. We read about Darwin online (limited info) and were furiously scanning the PIO forum for some up to date information on Darwin. There isn't a lot out there.


We arrived in November, just for the onset of the 'wet' season. Ridiculously humid. I remember the plane doors being opened and you could feel the heat creeping up the aisle. The first few months were a struggle because of the heat. I don't think we would ever get used to it, but we will definitely be more prepared for the next wet. OH will not, for instance, wear a long sleeved shirt into work during the months of November - April. Particularly, not a light coloured one.


Having said that, the storms are fantastic and its an experience. You won't ever live in a place like Darwin again that's for sure. Weather at the moment is beautiful. Blue skies, sunshine. The reason you want to move out here right?


Housing is in short supply, but you will find somewhere. When we arrived people drove us crazy with this and we were panicking we would not be able to find somewhere before our accommodation (provided by our employer) ran out. We were due to vacate on the 20th December, so had visions of being homeless on Christmas Day... Obviously, we found a unit and we love it. We live in the city (AKA the four 'busier streets' in Darwin.) Yes, rent is expensive and people constantly moan about how expensive it is. But having never lived in another part of Australia, it doesn't bother us. It's all relative.


Darwin itself took some getting used to and the weather was the big thing for us, along with how small it is. We have previously lived in Leicester and Cardiff so used to being in a busy city, however, the quietness of the place is something which we really enjoy now. Traffic is minimal to what we were used to, everyone is friendly, there are some beautiful beaches and places to visit.


We may look to move on in a year or so, as we are only planning on being in Aus for the duration of our 457 but Darwin looks to be a brilliant place for families. Lots to do, mostly free and everyone loves to be outdoors.


There were some things which concerned us when we first moved here, reports of crime etc but having been here over six months, I haven't seen anything which I wouldn't have seen in the UK.


I hope this helps. Anything in particular you want to know just shout!

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