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Sticky situation

Peter Corlett

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I haven't got children but I know how your wife feels as I was pretty much exactly the same 6 months ago.


Having lived in Melbourne for 6 months, I still miss friends in the UK but I wouldn't want to move back. With similar income to what we had in the UK, we can afford a much nicer lifestyle than in London with better housing and weather. I would say that with your income, you can afford a great lifestyle in Melbourne!


Unless your wife is very attached to her families and friends in the UK, I am sure that she will change her mind once she spends some time living here. If your employer is able to help you with PR visa, then I would go for it!


Sorry for not being able to offer your more specific advice - just good luck!

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I would have thought you be fine on that level of income depending on where you want to live, some suburbs are more affordable than others.

We pay $110 a day for childcare for our 3 yr old and $115 for the 18 month old. We do get the 50% rebate from the government which covers up to a maximum of $7,500 per child per year.

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