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Medicals done:-)) how long until our 189 visa comes through?????


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Just had our medicals today at the spire hospital little Aston. The staff are lovely, and the consultant who did the medicals was really funny and put us at ease. Hope fully nothing to worry about. The kids have already been uploaded ( as they don't need bloods and an X-ray) mine and hubby's will be on the system by next Monday, the consultant said we are all ok unless anything comes back wrong with the bloods and X-rays ( hopefully not :-)) . Does any one know how long it is taking for their visas to come through ( 189 ) once all completed? Xx :wink:

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Shouldn't be long unless you've been classified as a 'B' & referred. I'd imagine 1 week for the clinic to get them up on the system & then another week to get the case officer to sign off. You'll probably have a year from the day of your medicals to make your first entry into Australia, so you'll need to go (at least for a holiday) by June next year! Good luck :-)

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It took 28 days after the initial request for more documents PCC and Medicals for me to get my grant. So you get 28 days to supply the documents and then they check them after 28 days expires. That's my experience of how it works.

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We lodged on 31st may, but as of yet not been allocated a C/O :-( we have had police clearance today and waiting for our meds to be up loaded, should be done by next Monday. I hoping we will get a case officer allocated soooon! Is any one else heading to melbourne? I feel like my life is on hold! Fingers crossed everyone xx

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