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Any organisational Psychologists out there?


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I wanted to see if there are any other Occupational/ Organisational Psychologist out there who are either considering emigrating or have already emigrated. So anyone out there?:wink:


I am planning on beginning the process shortly for a 189 and would love to touch base with others intending to do the same or to hear of the experiences of those who have already been there and made the move successfully!





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Check out the threads on AHPRA registration - it's quite a hurdle for psychs new to the system to jump through. Good luck!


Thanks for this! This actually came as a surprise as I thought skills assessment was through APA. I guess it is obviously similar to the UK with the BPS and then the HCPC. Do you know if you need to be registered with AHPRA prior to having a positive skills assessment from the APA?


This has started to ring a few bells having read some other posts but hadn't clicked that this would be relevant to me too. I guess thats what great about POI!

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Thanks for this! This actually came as a surprise as I thought skills assessment was through APA. I guess it is obviously similar to the UK with the BPS and then the HCPC. Do you know if you need to be registered with AHPRA prior to having a positive skills assessment from the APA?


This has started to ring a few bells having read some other posts but hadn't clicked that this would be relevant to me too. I guess thats what great about POI!

If you are going to call yourself any sort of psychologist you need to register with AHPRA - APS will confirm acceptability of your credentials then you jump through all the other hoops! AHPRA generally comes after APS have given you the tick I should think. AHPRA can take months so hope you're not in a hurry!

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If you are going to call yourself any sort of psychologist you need to register with AHPRA - APS will confirm acceptability of your credentials then you jump through all the other hoops! AHPRA generally comes after APS have given you the tick I should think. AHPRA can take months so hope you're not in a hurry!



As as my screen name suggests, luckily, I'm not in a hurry! Just gutted to have to go through this all again! Dealing with the BPs and HCPC over here is enough!!! Well hoping it'll all be worth it in the end! Thanks again for your advice!


Will get stuck into the threads on AHPRA now :arghh:

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