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Update - Medicals done. 2/6/14


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Hey all, eight weeks after application goes in we get the nod for medicals and we just had our medicals yesterday. We went to Aston, midlands. Nice little private hospital and the staff were super nice :0)

So strip down to pants and socks (me and the mrs btw but not at the same time tho haha) test for reflexes and the basic stuff, touch your toes, check heart sound, lungs and general function. Blood sample, urine sample and chest x-ray.

I think we passed!


Anyone else done this? We are on a 189 and wondered how long till we hear? I know its not something that can be equated but if you are on the same visa how long til you heard after medicals. Is there anything else to do?


OMG we could be away in a mater of months!! On another thread I'l ask where to go and live haha!!


Cheers guys.

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We have got our medicals their in 2 weeks glad they are ok :-) Did they ask you much? We are going on a 189 visa to Melbourne, where you heading too? Fingers crossed for you. The hospital upload your documents with in a week so hopefully it won't be a long wait. We have done our police checks, have you guys? Jenni x

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Hi Guys,

Did you have to book much in advance for your medicals? Sounds like my Navy medical many moons ago (except they also decided to jab me with more needles than you could shake a stick at).



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Not sure where yet but Brisbane is top of the list so far cos i have a brother there. They are really nice at the hospital, chatty and welcoming. We did our police checks a while ago yeah so we are really at the end of the process. Thanks ad good luck to you guys too.We got the email from our agent last friday to proceed with medicals so we foned the Aston clinic and they said come in on the monday after the weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had our medicals today at the spire hospital little Aston. The staff are lovely, and the consultant who did the medicals was really funny and put us at ease. Hope fully nothing to worry about. The kids have already been uploaded ( as they don't need bloods and an X-ray) mine and hubby's will be on the system by next Monday, the consultant said we are all ok unless anything comes back wrong with the bloods and X-rays ( hopefully not :-)) . Does any one know how long it is taking for their visas to come through ( 189 ) once all completed? Xx

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@Pasteypoms did you get the old Indian Dr? He did ours oh boy what a laugh I had with him, lovely people.

If you havent already then jump into the May 189 thread and check out the conversation going on. Some of them have been granted already so you might find it interesting following the guys in there as it give you a good idea of time frames.



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Hi hawkmoon, yes we did he was sooo funny he really put us at ease. I cannot believe he was 77!! I'm quite new to this forum thing, can you tell??!! I don't get how to look at May 189 thread??? Where are you hoping to head too? My agent said it it can take 8-10 weeks before we get allocated a C/O :-( we lodged on the 31st may, when did you?

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