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What makes a good migrant?


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There was an article in the Career One job supplement on the weekend and the question to a panel of experts was...'What is the most common skill employers want in new workers right now?' One of the answers is below...


Work Skills.jpeg


It got me thinking that the list of qualities could easily apply to 'What makes a good migrant?'.


Attitude, approach and expectations in my opinion/experience are what makes a big difference about whether someone will be a good migrant and have a successful experience. I think people have to be honest with their partners before they even start on the migration journey about whether they truly really want to emigrate and whether they have the personality to cope with isolation, setbacks, disappointments, periods of unemployment if these things happen. I have seen several examples where in my opinion either one half of the couple or both have made decisions either consciously or subconsciously that have had a detrimental effect on their migration experience and then say "it is not working out, lets go home" and I think if they were truthful in reality they had no real desire to make it work.


I also think a good migrant has patience. If you accept things may take time to fall into place and that you are responsible for your own destiny. So if you are not getting anywhere career wise for example you think "how can I change this, what can I do differently, what will help me get to where I want to be in X years time", look at the bigger picture.

Work Skills.jpeg

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