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Supporting documentation required for Skilled Visa (subclass 189) for "ICT Business Analyst"


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My MARA agent stated that I had a good chance of getting the Skilled Visa (subclass 189), so I looked up the Australian Computer Society's requirements for an employer reference (page 12 of the ACS Booklet ).


I have sent off a request to all of my previous employers requesting the reference. Most have replied and provided me with the reference I require. Two companies have not replied. One I am not so concerned about as I worked there as a Support Analyst, hence their reference would not count anyway. The other company is unfortunately a major contributor to my Business Analysis experience. I have called them every day for 2 weeks and left a message at least every day - but no response.


Assuming that I dont count this non-responsive company, I currently have exactly 24 months training period (split across 2 companies) and 20 months in my current company. I spent 4 years at the company that hasn't responded, hence if I had that I would have a solid amount of experience to submit.


As it is becoming likely that they will not respond at all, and hence not provide me with a reference - what other forms of documentation can I provide to help me with this application?

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