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Help, confused!


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Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum business,so please bare with me!

My name is Brian, I'm 39. Me and my wife and 2 boys are keen on moving to Australia, we keep getting through to companies wanting £2000 up front, promising an easy move to a better life....very sceptical!!!

i have a background in bricklaying and general building but I haven't worked in this industry in quite a while.

at present I'm a class 1 lorry driver with ADR. This is the industry I want to work in. I've been told to look into mining, that's where the work is apparently!

I'm DESPERATE for some advice. Do me and my family come over on temporary visas? Can my kids go to school? Is it at all possible for me to get work in this industry? My wife is 30 and is just starting out on working with children. She wants to specialise in working with special needs children, so do we wait until she is more qualified. Meanwhile I'm not getting any younger!


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You can't get a visa to drive I'm afraid. How long ago was your bricklaying?


You might be better off waiting for your wife to be qualified and get some experience. This will depend on what qualifications she gets though.


It doesn't sound like it's going to be a hard road for you I'm afraid.

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You can't get a visa to drive I'm afraid. How long ago was your bricklaying?


You might be better off waiting for your wife to be qualified and get some experience. This will depend on what qualifications she gets though.


It doesn't sound like it's going to be a hard road for you I'm afraid.

Thank you for replying.

i sort of knew it would be hard for me to get work as a hgv driver...I still work as a builder doing the odd job for family and friends. But it's not my full time occupation.

what if I got a sponsor?

my wife wanted to come over for a year or so and maybe find work, we have a bit of money put by to fund ourselves, but I guess it doesn't work like that.

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No it doesn't work like that (unless you are both under 30 with no kids).


You would find work fairly easily as a truck driver here, it's getting the visa which is the hard part.


You could look for a sponsor as a bricklayer, but I'm afraid not many trades employers are eligible to be sponsors. You would have to look at big firms.

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So there is work for UK truck drivers! So frustrating just want a more prosperous life for my boys.

do you know of any big building companies?

hows life in Australia for you?

thank you again for your help!!!

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Ditzy, I am no expert on your circumstances, but age may also be a factor here. You may struggle to get the required points for a permanent visa once you turn 40.


However, depending on the route your wife is prepared to take she may stand a chance of getting a visa. What level is she thinking of training up to? What role does she want in the future?


I retrained as a nurse, partly as a change of career and partly to get to Australia. Its taken almost 5 years thought to get this far and I am still a year at least off my visa!

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So there is work for UK truck drivers! So frustrating just want a more prosperous life for my boys.

do you know of any big building companies?

hows life in Australia for you?

thank you again for your help!!!

Well I'm far worse off financially here. For me the positives are the weather (not summer) and space. Other than that I believe the uk wins. Certainly on driving standards! Drivers here have no idea about trucks and how much room they need to stop.

I don't know any big building companies I'm afraid.

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Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum business,so please bare with me!

My name is Brian, I'm 39. Me and my wife and 2 boys are keen on moving to Australia, we keep getting through to companies wanting £2000 up front, promising an easy move to a better life....very sceptical!!!

i have a background in bricklaying and general building but I haven't worked in this industry in quite a while.

at present I'm a class 1 lorry driver with ADR. This is the industry I want to work in. I've been told to look into mining, that's where the work is apparently!

I'm DESPERATE for some advice. Do me and my family come over on temporary visas? Can my kids go to school? Is it at all possible for me to get work in this industry? My wife is 30 and is just starting out on working with children. She wants to specialise in working with special needs children, so do we wait until she is more qualified. Meanwhile I'm not getting any younger!



Well firstly don't part with that kind of money, anyone taking that off you when you quite clearly do not have an obvious path ahead is scanning you. I would perhaps recommend that you have a consultation with one of the agents to post on here as they will be honest about your options and chances.


You are not going to get a visa on the back of your driving, not even if you found a job and willing sponsor. Driving does not qualify for a visa, presumably because immigration believes that some of the >6% unemployed could be trained to drive relatively easily, I don't know. So it will be down to bricklaying for you, sponsorship is unlikely, but skilled migration an option depending on how long ago you last worked as a bricklayer. How long ago was that? And that means worked properly, not odd jobs, you can't get a visa on the back of odd jobs either.


So all in all not promising for you. I think with your wife is really depends what she is doing, you might need to wait for a few years until she is established and then see what occupations are on the lists.


Unfortunately there is not a visa for everyone. To console you a little, moving to Australia does not mean a more prosperous life, many people struggle a great deal here when they move and it is common to read stories from people that are shocked by this because presumably like you they just expected to be better off. We certainly do not struggle financially here, but the maths quite clearly shows that we would be better off in the UK by a fair mile.

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Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum business,so please bare with me!

My name is Brian, I'm 39. Me and my wife and 2 boys are keen on moving to Australia, we keep getting through to companies wanting £2000 up front, promising an easy move to a better life....very sceptical!!!

i have a background in bricklaying and general building but I haven't worked in this industry in quite a while.

at present I'm a class 1 lorry driver with ADR. This is the industry I want to work in. I've been told to look into mining, that's where the work is apparently!

I'm DESPERATE for some advice. Do me and my family come over on temporary visas? Can my kids go to school? Is it at all possible for me to get work in this industry? My wife is 30 and is just starting out on working with children. She wants to specialise in working with special needs children, so do we wait until she is more qualified. Meanwhile I'm not getting any younger!





we we used an agent and we paid in stages according to what process we were at, we weren't asked to pay everything upfront.


We we also got our PR visa based on bricklaying from my husband, he had to do a skills test and provide certificates of uk qualifications, references, self assessment etc. Lots of documents to provide. May be worth digging everything out to see what you have if you want to do it based on your skills and speak to an agent, when your not sure what your doing they're a god send, certainly for us. Good luck.

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