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Can partner visa be submitted while pregnant?


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Hi everyone,


i am british citizen, my husband is an Australian citizen. We are both currently living in the Uk but looking to return to Aus ASAP.


I am pregnant but wondered if my visa application can still be submitted or wound I have to wait until the baby is born?


I also wondered if my husband can still be my sponsor if he is currently living with me in the UK?


Any help/advice would be amazing.


Thank you!!! X

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AFAIK yes it can be submitted when pregnant. The main thing to consider is if you are ok with having a chest X ray when pregnant during your medical or if you wish to delay it till after the baby is born. You can do the medical at a later date once baby arrives, discuss with your CO. This usually means everything else will process and proceed as normal but they will wait on your medical result. How far along are you if you don't mind me asking? An offshore partner visa application is running at about 8-9 months at present.


And yes, your hubby is the sponsor. Mine was with me for 8 years in the UK when I applied for my partner visa.

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Your husband can sponsor you even while he is living overseas.


You can apply for a Partner visa but it cannot be granted until you have had medicals which includes x-rays. It's possible to have x-rays at some stages of pregnancy but is not recommended. If the baby is born overseas, it will be eligible for Australian citizenship by descent but it doesn't happen automatically and must be applied for.

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Thanks so much for the information, I'm only 3 months along just now and I think I would definitely wait until the baby is born to have the medical.


Does that mean the visa processing time would be 8/9 months once the medical is done?


I read that medical assessments are not always requested - is that incorrect?


Thanks again, it's all very overwhelming! :-/

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Medical will be required for a partner visa. If you apply now around 3 months along, you could have your medical done around the 6 month mark and therefore after baby is born and should see it granted around the 8-9 month mark after applying, not from when the medical was done. Timing sounds like it would work out well for you there.


Citizenship by descent is another thing to consider for baby once s/he arrives in the world. Your hubby would have to apply for that once baby is born and the birth is registered, get the citizenship certificate back in the post and apply for an Aus passport. Means a day trip for your hubby to London for the passport application iirc. Should all be done inside of 6 weeks if you get a move on with it. Our son's took about that long all up.

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