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Is there an honest politician in NSW?


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A couple of weeks ago Tony Abbott lost his temper when a journalist suggested the NSW Liberal government was corrupt. He called the journalist 'madam' and gave her a patronising public dressing down, saying her claim was "an entirely unjustified smear". At that time Premier Barry O' Farrell had just been forced to resign when he denied receiving a $3000 gift. Since then, we've seen how right that journalist was. The slush funds revealed by the ICAC inquiry have forced the police minister and the energy minister to resign, and several other Liberal MPs have been implicated in corrupt practices. And there is even worse to come, apparently, with further ICAC hearings this week. Corruption seems ingrained in both Labor and the Liberal parties in NSW, and it also seems to extend down to local council level as well. Is there any way to restore confidence in the governance of this state?

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I think what ICAC is doing is exposing what has been done outside set down guidelines/rules.Which is a good thing. the LNP State members have done the correct thing and resigned their positions. However, the previous Labor Government members, who made financial gains for themselves have not had any penalty imposed on them. I still think the LNP members have not been shown as corrupt but guilty of accepting banned funds for their party without gain for themselves. I recon Baird should be given a chance to show what he can do for this State.

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Guest Johnnybee

Always been more crooks in the Liberal Party than the Labour Party. Think Robert Askin etc and you'll have the general idea. Swinging voter myself

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Always been more crooks in the Liberal Party than the Labour Party. Think Robert Askin etc and you'll have the general idea. Swinging voter myself


The Blue Hats have engrained assumptions of entitlement. Hard to shake the born to rule Tory likeness. Ethical issues become rather clouded to the point of acceptance as such.

Just keep it under shades .

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