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Bringing dog UK to Melbourne

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Hi, I'm wondering if you can possibly assist with the pre export process to bring our dog, Toby to Australia with us. We originally got Toby whilst we were living in Australia 4 years ago and then had to move to the uk so he followed.

I have tried to find out the exact steps of what we need to do prior to him leaving the UK but seem to be struggling. The vet we usually go to is approved and has given Toby the rabies vaccination. He is due his annual boosters roundabout now and I have read on a couple of websites not to give him the lepto vaccination as it can result in his pre export blood test results being positive.


The vet we use doesn't really know much about the process as they haven't dealt with it often and i just want to make sure we get it right.


I understand he will have to remain in the UK for 180 after the rabies blood test however I'm am now unsure on when we can do the rabies blood test. The vet has also instructed me that I need to find out exactly which lab the blood test needs to go to etc.


any assistance will be greatly received.



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Contact a reputable carrier. Our dog came in 2012, so this information may be out of date.

Your dog will need a rabies test, there is one laboratory in the UK that can analyse it, I think you look on DEFRA website for the address, but your vet should know it anyway...........but check.

Your dog can be released from quarantine 180 days after that blood test is drawn. When our dog came, she had to spend the last 30 days in quarantine, but could remain at liberty for the first 150 days. I think they have changed this now to a shorter quarantine period.

Once your dog is released, we used an Australian company called "Dogtainers" to fly our dog internally, change of flight, and only cost $120 from Eastern Creek Quarantine, now closed, to here. So it is not expensive.

You may consider registering your dog as a "Virgin Frequent Flyer," and making sure they travel UK to Oz on Virgin.

Feel free to PM me if you need any more help, I still remember the date and time our dog landed, 14th May, at 16:50pm, exactly 46 years to the minute that Brian Labone collected the FA Cup for Everton from the Queen, and believe me, the 7 year old boy crying tears of joy at that sight never, ever thought then 46 year later he would be collecting something as precious.

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Hey Bec.


Things have changed since The Fisheys' dog flew over! The only thing different is that now we are celebrating the mighty reds about to win the premiership rather than the blues winning the cup!


The rabies blood test can be taken around 4 weeks after the vaccination and then your dog has to stay in UK for 180 days after the sampling (as long as it comes back sufficiently positive). The blood has to go to AHVLA or Biobest (but most of the smaller labs in UK send their rabies bloods to Biobest anyway, so it will end up with them eventually!)


Under current rules giving the Lepto vaccination is fine, so dont worry about not giving it.


If you want a quote and some more details give us a shout http://www.petairuk.com/australia and we will be happy to help.



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also can you check out my other post about the quarantine fees going up and if you can sign the petition that may help. DAFF are considering putting the cost of a 10 day quarantine stay to $1800 AUD for the 10 day stay. Yes that is slightly more expensive than putting the pets in a 5 start hotel and yes it is crackers!

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry but you need to change your vet.He/she is just not up to date.Should know what to do, and know where to send the blood samples,as their is 3 visits you have to make.Plus your right about the Lepto,if the vet dosn't do the right proceedure,it could come up negative in the blood sample.As the dog is injected with the Lepto virus.

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