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Working Holiday as a nurse....


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Has anyone done this? Is it easy enough to get on the nursing bank as a RN in Australia, or do you tend to get a contact for 6 months? ... was thinking sydney or melbourne. Any advise would be awesome! :)



Hey I'm planning on doing this too! I qualify in August this year and I'm hoping to go out September 2015.

Have no idea how to go about it though so if you have any luck, please fill me in! Haha

Good luck! x

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Hi, a few years ago I went to Oz on a WHV and secured a temporary contract for 3 months in Brisbane and then for 3 months in Hobart. I looked at the hospitals in the areas I was interested in and enquired who was the nurse manager then e-mailed them directly my CV, information on my circumstances and requested if they had any temporary work. I did register with an agency but found them useless, however that is only my experience as I am sure there are plenty of nurse who have found agencies to be good.

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