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Online technical interview


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Hi all,



Has anyone completed the online technical interview for Boilermaker?



I have worked as a Pipefitter-Welder for many years and have decided that Boilermaker is the best fit for the skill that is needed for the application.



I was just wondering how involved the questioning is? I'm useless at interviews at the best of times :(



Or indeed, if I'm pursuing the correct trade! Boilermaker does seem the best fit though.



Cheers in advance




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Hi Kev,

Who is the interview with?

Only asking because my husband had a technical interview for his skills assessment last year, if it is along that line he might be able to help.

He is a welder by trade in the uk and he now has a job as a boiler maker/metal fabricator in Australia

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Hi kev


I'm in a similar position as you, I will be taking the Metal Fabricator technical interview in a month or so, I too am looking to find out type of questions asked etc as nervous about it like you are. I have an agent doing my visa for me recommended from a friend who now lives in Oz. Apparently the interview is very chilled out and layed back, more chatting than anything. Questions to start with are about the training and things you had to do, first learnt, then goes onto health and safety, ppe etc I've read this on other sites and it's the same as my agent has said, they have sat in on numerous interviews as someone has to be in the room with you so there's no cheating, looking at books, phone etc.


I really wanted to do the practical but have been told that could take ages on a waiting list due to not enough assessors, so the interview is what I will have to do, my fingers are crossed it all goes well. I'm a welder fabricator of over 20 years, it just means so much to me and my family to get this interview right. I have completed the Ielts English test so just need to do the interview, then health check and police check, I should have the visa granted by august apparently, I hope so !!


If you find out anything let me know could you


Many thanks



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Cheers guys,


rachyt- it will be with Vetassess (if that's what you mean!). Would your husband be able to give an tips?


Danny- same boat as me eh? A bit further down the line though. Please keep me informed of what transpires, I would really appreciate it. What you said is about what I have learnt. There's just not much info about what goes on in the interview on the web.


Suppose it's in at the deep end eh?

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Yeah trainee/appenticship training, what you have been taught from when you started up until now, your right there isn't much about the interviews to prepare, I really am hoping its that easy as a chat and layed back, they know if you trade in what you say you do, it's only really for the people applying who are not in those trades and just want to get to Oz however they can.


Yes will ill keep you updated if I find out anymore or when I've completed mine, would like to find someone who has recently completed it so we have an idea about it.





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Just wondering if anyone in this thread has now sat the technical interview and what it was like? My partner is due to sit it and is a bit apprehensive. He really wanted to sit the practical but it seems nobody else is! So, although he doesn't like interviews he has to do it this way. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi All,


I have been in contact with someone that has taken the metal fabricator online interview and it seems it's not too hard. The interviewer seemingly takes you on a virtual walk through a workshop, asking about health and safety and setting up of various pieces of equipment.


Overall, I don't think it's too bad from what I've heard. Good luck all!!!

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Hi all,


just updating on where I am at the moment with my skills assessment, two weeks ago I had my paper application approved and today had confirmation email that I will be doing the Technical Interview on 11th June 2014, I must admit I'm even more nervous now that it is booked and paid for, I live in Norwich, so my interview is in Bromley, Kent, which is the closest to me. I've heard the interview lasts around 1 1/2 to 2 hrs.


interesting to read that they take you round a virtual workshop, with machinery and health and safety etc, hopefully it won't be too bad !!!!


any more info I would be very grateful, I will update once I have completed mine in a couple of weeks.


Also has anyone had their health check yet? Again wondering what happens there??

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