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NT sponsorship and 2 yrs study requirement


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In NT migration web site they specified that one has to live and study 2 years in NT. Does it mean 365*2=730 days in a row or gap is acceptable? again if one goes out side NT in summer vacation and completed total 160 credit or 16 months of study NT then does he/she can get sponsorship, too? another question if one study at a campus in sydney of Charles Darwin university masters for one yr and goes NT in 2nd yr and complete another one year diploma from TAFE will he/she get the sponsorship as it is 2 yrs of study in NT combined.


These questions are needed to answered very quickly as going to think soon..

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No, the full two years has to be in nt. I'm guessing you are not booked on a course yet? All courses which you can get a student visa are cricos registered. Look to see how many weeks the course your registered at is down as. Mine was 104 weeks even though you are not actually studying for all that time.

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