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2nd year visa work..


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Im wanting to start my regional work in about 2/3 weeks time, im leaving melbourne and my job just now finishes up next week.


Anyone know of anywhere thats good to go for regional work? looking for hourly paid preferably!


Ive applied to some working hostels in Bowen, Shepperton, Mildura & Cairns


Looking for some help too find work, ive been applying for most of the ones on all the facebooks pages ie '2nd year visa jobs & fruit picking jobs'..


anyone of any help?? contacts etc that could give me work??





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Maybe on www.seek.com.au? It's not the type of work, more that it must be regional? I had a feeling that the whole of South Australia is classed as 'regional'? If that is true, you could look for work in Adelaide??


I remember speaking to a girl from Liverpool in a cafe in Bondi Jn who told me she did her regional work at a road house in Outback Queensland.

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seeks not great. Try gumtree but you need to always be on there and snap up a job within minutes of it being listed.


Okay so your in Melbourne


Echuca has Apples/pears/ stonefruit / tomato


Mildura has grapes


Mornington Peninsula has strawberries and apples


Ronbinvale has Grapes


Sawn Hill grapes


I never picked any of them but I am going to assume most of that is contract work. The above is what is happening currently or will be very shortly in Vic.

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Thanks for that tingtong


Im looking for hourly paid work if i can get it, heard all bad stories about the contract work with people losing out on money all the time.


Ive been applying to the working hostels all over so hopefully hear something back.


Just want to get myself sorted now, head down and get the 3 months done!

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The best thing is to look at the oztrail harvest guide. It's provided by the government and it gives you info on where to go and what's in season to pick at certain times etc. also - I would advise that it's is a massive advantage to be in these places to work rather than applying before you get there because in a nice way - they could say they will save a job for you until you arrive but then the next person who gets there who can do the job will probably snap it up. Because they are already there. It sucks but that's the way it is. Just be realistic and make sure you give yourself loads of time to complete the 88days. Try not to expect continuous 88 days of work as it depends on seasons. It took me and my bf 5 months to finish the 88 days due to the delay in produce and end of seasons and end of picking etc. I'm not saying everyone's experience takes that long but just be mindful that it can happen. Most jobs we did we're paid hourly. Only one job was half paid and half food and accommodation. But by the time you are nearing the end of the 88days, you will do anything to speed it up haha!!


Good luck!!

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  • 3 weeks later...



I seem to be in the same position, attempting to find regional work with seemingly nothing better than Gumtree there to help. I was wondering how you contacted the working hostels? Most I've found details for (including Shepparton), the number is invalid and the email has failed/gone through a website not updated since 2011... Getting pretty frustrated at this point!


I'm thinking of taking your advice Jalapeno and just heading to the places, you said you found hourly-paid work though, what kind of stuff were you doing/where?


Thanks in advance! (And also sorry to just ask questions and not to give you any help, if I find anything good I will let you know!)


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Well we did all sorts of things!


Picking zuchinnis, grapes, mangoes, squash and packing melons and capsicums and probably other things too! Too many different things.


If you are in the sheperton area and don't mind going a bit further, you can try cactus country in strathmerton in Vic....not sure what the number is but if you google you will find. It's half paid at $13ph BUT this can increase once you prove yourself and half food and accommodation. Ask for Julie or John I think. They can treat you like a slave but I don't know any farmers apart from 3 who didn't!! but if you really want your days done and really want your visa then hey ho that's a start! Hopefully it is the picking season now I think just prepare yourself for long days and serious hard work.


We also to a working hostel in Ayr in Qld but I had the worst experience ever there and I would never ever ever ever ever recommend them to you (lazy lizard hostel and I tell you the name so you don't end up going!!) absolute money grabbers and the owner is THE biggest prick in the whole of qld and I'm not just saying that. Plz take my experience - the farms don't give his hostel work because they don't like him. It's a small town and everyone knows everyone and that means they don't forget rifts and things and that is dead true!! And that's why the lazy lizard take your money but you end up waiting ages for any kind of work and if you get one day then you won't be allowed to work at any other places because that would count as you having a job. Anyway rant over.....


You can also try Bowen for tomatoes picking but it's paid by what you pick so it's hard work to earn money.


I'm not sure what the seasons are.

You can also try in SA I think maybe cherry season but didn't work there!


Sorry I hope this helps!

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Thanks for all the info! Hoping to stay in Vic but will definitely keep Bowen in mind if I have to head further afield. Just rang Cactus Country and got the most positive response so far ("we'll save your number in case any work comes up"...), much better than hearing 'this number is disconnected'!

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thanks for the details jalapeno,


ive been offered a job in a farm in Ayr picking zuchinis but ive been warned not to go as the job picking zuchinis is terrible???

its hourly paid also..


my plan now is to fly to brisbane in a few weeks then head up to bundbaerg and check into one of the working hostels there.

Ive been on contact through email with a few of them there.


what ya think?? should i try the zuchinis one?? my mate done it about 6 years ago and said it was terrible

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Zuchinnis are the worst with bending down all day and chasing after a tractor to put them in BUT your back will get used to it. It's not easy but no farm work is. I would say take it and see. Which farm is it for I may know if it's a good farm since we picked zuchinnis in ayr. Will u be living on a farm?

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Anna booth? We worked for her and she is a legit lady. I think you work 1.5hrs for accommodation and the rest about $20ph. She is tough but if you respect her she will respect you. She is a good farmer and she likes hard workers. If you work hard then she will be so nice to you. She also put us in contact with another farmer in VIC once the season with her finished which was so helpful and we worked there too.


It is hard work but as I say I don't know anyone who can say farm work is easy. No matter what you are doing you will find things to complain about. If you want to get your days done I would say going to Annas is a good start. You could fly to Townsville and get the bus down.


Her farm is about 30mins from the town of Ayr in a place call Clare but they do weekly food shops into town etc. I would say go for it if it is Anna! It's good money too and because your in the middle of nowhere you can't spend any money! Lol :)

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Anna booth? We worked for her and she is a legit lady. I think you work 1.5hrs for accommodation and the rest about $20ph. She is tough but if you respect her she will respect you. She is a good farmer and she likes hard workers. If you work hard then she will be so nice to you. She also put us in contact with another farmer in VIC once the season with her finished which was so helpful and we worked there too.


It is hard work but as I say I don't know anyone who can say farm work is easy. No matter what you are doing you will find things to complain about. If you want to get your days done I would say going to Annas is a good start. You could fly to Townsville and get the bus down.


Her farm is about 30mins from the town of Ayr in a place call Clare but they do weekly food shops into town etc. I would say go for it if it is Anna! It's good money too and because your in the middle of nowhere you can't spend any money! Lol :)


yeah thats her! because thats her intials on her email that she was been in contact with me with. So you think i should go for it.. I think i will then ive emailed her back yesterday to confirm that shes still wanting me to start as she said get back to her by the end of the month as its not starting till about 18th april. Could be a good idea then as im wanting to save money anyway!


whats the script with the picking zuchinis my mates says its brutal, now im not scared of work at all but they two keep telling me its like going down with a bread knife n cutting the zuchinis then trying to balance laods on your arm before putting into the tractor?? explain just so i know haha

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Yes I would say go for it. You don't know until you try and if you don't like it then fair enough :)


There are different ways to pick zuchinnis. When we worked on Anna's farm she have us a knife and a belt and you attached the bucket to your belt and fill the bucket whilst you get used to it and then after a bit more experience she will let you just pick normally and hold them in your arms and put them into a boon (which is a tractor with a sort of conveyor belt on the back) and you put the zuchinnis on there and you go up and down each rows until all are picked. They have to be a certain size and I think for Anna it is the size of your knife.


But the other zuchinnis farm we worked on didn't use a knife literally had to twist and pull but Anna likes to use knife.


It is a lot of bending down and I seriously struggled the first and seriously felt like my back was so painful but seriously after a few days you defo get used to it and it gets a lot easier!!


Just make sure you have a few long sleeve tops as zuchinnis plants are prickly and scratch you! (as not many places to buy from in Ayr - try jayjays or cotton on for some cheap ones as they will only get dirty) and also a good pair of gloves which you can get from Coles (the ones with the breathable material about $8) and also a big round hat. I think Anna prob told you she won't employ you without a round hat as you will most likely be in the sun all day and it defo helps.

Also some sturdy old trainers or some crocs (hate crocs but easy and breathable and if you get wet they dry quick you can get from Kmart maybe $10)

Also some long trousers too to stop legs getting scratched! :):)

Hope this helps!! And plus once you have all this stuff it's handy for other farms too!

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Yes I would say go for it. You don't know until you try and if you don't like it then fair enough :)


There are different ways to pick zuchinnis. When we worked on Anna's farm she have us a knife and a belt and you attached the bucket to your belt and fill the bucket whilst you get used to it and then after a bit more experience she will let you just pick normally and hold them in your arms and put them into a boon (which is a tractor with a sort of conveyor belt on the back) and you put the zuchinnis on there and you go up and down each rows until all are picked. They have to be a certain size and I think for Anna it is the size of your knife.


But the other zuchinnis farm we worked on didn't use a knife literally had to twist and pull but Anna likes to use knife.


It is a lot of bending down and I seriously struggled the first and seriously felt like my back was so painful but seriously after a few days you defo get used to it and it gets a lot easier!!


Just make sure you have a few long sleeve tops as zuchinnis plants are prickly and scratch you! (as not many places to buy from in Ayr - try jayjays or cotton on for some cheap ones as they will only get dirty) and also a good pair of gloves which you can get from Coles (the ones with the breathable material about $8) and also a big round hat. I think Anna prob told you she won't employ you without a round hat as you will most likely be in the sun all day and it defo helps.

Also some sturdy old trainers or some crocs (hate crocs but easy and breathable and if you get wet they dry quick you can get from Kmart maybe $10)

Also some long trousers too to stop legs getting scratched! :):)

Hope this helps!! And plus once you have all this stuff it's handy for other farms too!


Thanks alot for that information much appreciated


ill wait till she gets back to me then before i decide on what to do! as you say i can only try it..


how many days did you stay there for?? much money were you making a week and how many days were you working?? when does that season for zuchinis finish?? ive heard some places you dont get a phone reception also is that true??

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If you are with vodaphone then no you will get naff all signal! But go with Telstra and you SHOULD be ok.


We worked pretty much 5 days I think. For about a month but we only finished because the season ended and people had been there since April - nov. So you will be able to get all your days done there I think! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys..

guess what?! looking for farm job;) ...any good news?

I'm planning to leave Melbourne next week and still no responses. I called already the harvest Labour and apparently there is not much going on now in VIC and South Australia.

Or if there is something you need a car which I don't have.

Web sites or working hostel?!...I really don't trust them so many bad experiences around and I'm more then happy to work hard but I don't want be "used'.

The best thing is always the #word of mouth...so if someone is now somewhere, anywhere, picking or packing fruits or veggies..advises are more then welcome (direct contacts and job are even better! :)

If you wish to share your past experience, would be helpful too, remember:...'sharing is caring' !!



Finger crossed to everyone

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