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fridge has life span?


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i am going to move into a house this weekend with my partner :)


we are looking for a second hand fridge,,, but not sure how we select it.

check seals and noise, working condition (cold enough), but anything else we should care about?


looking for 400-500l size, 2nd hand at fridge and washing world (?) was about $350, roughly 10 years old.

it seem ok but if the fridge life was not much longer than 10 years, it will waste the money...

we budget $500 for a fridge atm.


any tips for shopping fridge are helpful! :)



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Guest The Pom Queen

To be honest as long as the seal is ok I wouldn't worry too much if its a second hand one. Even if it was perfect their are no guarantees it won't break down in a week. If you can't afford new have you thought of renting one (although they can be expensive) at least then if it breaks down they will provide you with another.

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Fridges don't like being moved. What works fine when you view it may not work after you have moved it. I sold one once on eBay, and I watched the guy drop it as he put it on his van. They also like to be transported standing up. Unless you get it dirt cheap, I would buy new.

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Yeah.. I'm aware of movin issues...

at least it's better if I but from pro(not like gumtree) as they know how to treat fridges... Less damage I think.


My parents have a 40 year old fridge that still goes well. But I doubt you will get that out of a modern fridge. I would wait for a sale and buy new if you can. If not and you get a warranty, check what it covers.

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