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Moving back to UK with disabled child.


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Guest The Pom Queen

I don't sorry but if its anything like here they will want to reassess again once you get back to the UK. Are you talking about schools or financial support?

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I'm really trying to find how the disability support services work in the UK and the financial, respite, day services and accommodation that are available. It's the biggest hurdle to returning to the UK for me. The prospect of no support and being housebound with a profoundly disabled adult child is scary. I think I'll have to search UK disability forums for more specific advice. Thanks anyway Pom Queen.

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You may get more of a response if you re-post on the main MBTTUK forum. I'm sure you'd get lots of totally unnecessary comments but you never know someone who isn't on this private forum might know more. I'm sure people have asked similar questions before.


I know a lot of people with autism and parents with autistic children in the UK and they generally get lots of support, particularly in schools. I hope you can find the answers you need.

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The provision will depend in part on where you return to as some provision is provided by the local council. There is a big difference between England/Wales and Scotland too. It will be provided by social services and the NHS free of charge - if you google your planned local authority for disability services you will probably be ably to get basic information and contact details.


My son has specific health needs and it was one of my concerns returning - I have been very happy so far, his specialist in Australia referred him directly to a specialist here, i really didn't think it would be that easy but when I went to my GP he said just to phone the specialist up and check he was on the waiting list. I did, they were very helpful and confirmed he was on the list and we'd have an appointment within a month.


One thing to be aware of is entitlement to any kind of carer's allowance etc. could be dependent on being considered 'habitually resident' and that can take 6 months - it depends on a lot of factors such as continuing links to Australia, employment, bank accounts, property in the UK etc.

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  • 1 month later...

My gut feeling is that the UK would have better services for my son especially since it looks like NDIS is likely to be cut back in the up coming budget. I've been quiet for a while because this would be a big move for me and my family.

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