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Skill Assessment Positive or Not?


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Hi Respectable seniors,



I have 8 years of experience as a Software Engineer which was required to claim points to lodge my visa application. I have two employments, 1st from May 2005 to May 2008 and 2nd from May 2008 to July 2013. So I have more than 8 years of experience which I mentioned in my skill assessment application. I applied for Skill Assessment and got reply from ACS (Australian Computer Society). In response, ACS wrote the following regarding my employment.



"The following employment after May 2007 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately skilled level and relevant to 261313 (Software Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code

Dates: 05/05 - 05/08 (3yrs 0mths)


Date: 05/08 - 07/13 (5yrs 2mths)




1. Now I wonder, can I claim points of 8 years of experience? or will it be rejected from DIAC?



2. Was this type of statement from ACS do not create problem for the applicant before? My consultant mentioning that DIAC recently started to consider this type of statement from ACS but before everybody were able to claim points for full employment period even after getting this type comments from ACS. Is it true? Is there any new rule introduced?



Below is the screenshot of my skill assessment for employment section.






Can anyone guide/help that what I have done wrong that ACS haven't considered my full employment period? Is there something I can do?



I really appreciate your expert opinion.


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Out of interest, when did you submit your assessment, and when did you get a reply?


ACS consider a bachelors degree and 2 years work experience to be a suitable skill level. Therefore, only after you have been working at the necessary skill level will be considered. And no, I don't think you can use 8 years with the DIAC. I believe you can only claim what ACS recognise.

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@foo thanks for your reply.


Was this type of statement from ACS do not create problem for the applicant before? My consultant mentioning that DIAC recently started to consider this type of statement from ACS but before everybody were able to claim points for full employment period even after getting this type comments from ACS. Is it true? Is there any new rule introduced?

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@foo thanks for your reply.


Was this type of statement from ACS do not create problem for the applicant before? My consultant mentioning that DIAC recently started to consider this type of statement from ACS but before everybody were able to claim points for full employment period even after getting this type comments from ACS. Is it true? Is there any new rule introduced?


Yes, the ACS changed to this type of assessment mid to late last year from memory. It has caused confusion as it clashes with ANZSCO which states that the Skills requirement for a Software Engineer is a Bachelor qualification or higher.

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