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Nursing Assistants

Dreamy Fish

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Hi there


I currently work as a clinical support worker at an Oxford hospital. I've got 7 years non stop experience in an NHS hospital on Trauma and Transplant wards. If our Visa is successful and we move to Victoria, I would primarily stay home to get the kids settled but then I'd probably like to be doing the same kind of work in Australia. Please could anyone tell me what sort of wage an unqualified healthcare assistant can earn? Hospitals or community.


And and as an aside, when it comes to child care, how much can a person expect to pay for a childminder or nursery?


Many thanks!


DF x

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I worked in nsw and queensland as a nurse..hospital and community...never seen any nursing assistants as we in the uk know them :( only qualified staff...they have enrolled nurses but you would need to complete a year of uni first...you could do the 6 week community care course and be like a home help aged care type thing...ive seen salarys for that between 18 and 21 dollars per hour..usually casual work. You will have loadsa of transferable skills for other jobs but I doubt you would get a similar job to what you have now...some places have the odd assistants in nursing (where I was they had to be student nurses too and very little was expected of them..not like uk healthcare assistants)..maybe someone else can tell you specifically abt Victoria

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