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189 and 190 visa enquiries


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I am currently on my 2nd Year Working Holiday Visa and await the final document required to submit an EOI, my Offshore Skills Assessment, for either a 189 or 190 visa for NT state nomination.



As it stands, my current visa expires on the 9th of March and I am aware that the rounds of invitations take place on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month for the 189 Skilled Independent Visa, which would mean that the only realistic date that I can catch the invitations is for the 24th of February. My points score will be 60 when I receive final confirmation of my Skills Assessment results with my occupation being a General Plumber.



In addition to my interest in the 189 visa, I have also researched the possibility of going for state sponsorship in the NT (190). If I apply for this visa and were to be granted nomination from the state, I would be automatically invited from Skillselect to apply regardless of the particular dates that the 189 visas issue them out. The NT requires you to commit to (live and work in) the territory for a minimum of two years as part of the decision to grant you residency?


Furthermore, I have approached my current employer about the possibility of sponsorship on a 457 visa should I fail to receive an invitation in time for the expiry of my visa.


I have a few questions regarding all these matters;


  1. What is the likelihood of receiving an invitation on the 24th and if so is granting of the 189 possible with a score of 60 points?
  2. If I was to miss out on that round and put paperwork through for a 457 visa on the 25th, am I likely to receive nomination in time for the expiry of my 417 visa?
  3. If I received the 190 state nominated visa and broke the agreement to reside in the NT at any stage of the two years within the grant date of visa, will I be stripped of the Residency?



Can anyone help me out with these questions? Any advice would be much appreciated as I am in a bit of a panic now.





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I am currently on my 2nd Year Working Holiday Visa and await the final document required to submit an EOI, my Offshore Skills Assessment, for either a 189 or 190 visa for NT state nomination.


As it stands, my current visa expires on the 9th of March and I am aware that the rounds of invitations take place on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month for the 189 Skilled Independent Visa, which would mean that the only realistic date that I can catch the invitations is for the 24th of February. My points score will be 60 when I receive final confirmation of my Skills Assessment results with my occupation being a General Plumber.



In addition to my interest in the 189 visa, I have also researched the possibility of going for state sponsorship in the NT (190). If I apply for this visa and were to be granted nomination from the state, I would be automatically invited from Skillselect to apply regardless of the particular dates that the 189 visas issue them out. The NT requires you to commit to (live and work in) the territory for a minimum of two years as part of the decision to grant you residency?


Furthermore, I have approached my current employer about the possibility of sponsorship on a 457 visa should I fail to receive an invitation in time for the expiry of my visa.


I have a few questions regarding all these matters;


  1. What is the likelihood of receiving an invitation on the 24th and if so is granting of the 189 possible with a score of 60 points?

  2. If I was to miss out on that round and put paperwork through for a 457 visa on the 25th, am I likely to receive nomination in time for the expiry of my 417 visa?

  3. If I received the 190 state nominated visa and broke the agreement to reside in the NT at any stage of the two years within the grant date of visa, will I be stripped of the Residency?



Can anyone help me out with these questions? Any advice would be much appreciated as I am in a bit of a panic now.






Hi John,

If you haven't done your EOI yet, it is best that you do one asap. You don't have to wait till skill assessment to arrive as EOI is valid for 60 days. It is hard predict your chances of getting one by next round until DIAC publish current round results.


As for the second question I believe you should consult a professional as the time frames could be tricky and highly unreliable.


I'm not exactly sure what would happen if you don't serve required 2 years in the relevant state but a friend mine did the same thing on a 187 RSMS and didn't do his required 2 years with nominated employer. A year after getting his PR he went through citizenship process and DIAC queried whether he has completed his required 2 years in the regional area. Since he hasn't, they asked him complete his 2 years before applying for citizenship. In this case they didn't strip his residency but it is really a gray area I guess.


Good Luck :)

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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry but I do believe you've been given incorrect information here.

An acquaintance of mine recently submitted an EOI before his skills assessment had been received.

He was invited to apply for a 189 visa and did so, also paying the visa fee in full.

When it came to submitting his skills assessment DIAC came back to him and told him that the skills assessment was dated AFTER the EOI was submitted.

The terms of the EOI are that you have a valid skills assessment (basically you have to have it in your hand)

He lost his visa application fee.....and got banned from applying for another visa for three years.

He is 51 in three years so most likely he will lose the opportunity to emigrate indefinitely.


I mean no offence to DK2014 as I'm sure they had nothing but the best intentions when answering your question.


Best of luck in your application.


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I'm sorry but I do believe you've been given incorrect information here.

An acquaintance of mine recently submitted an EOI before his skills assessment had been received.

He was invited to apply for a 189 visa and did so, also paying the visa fee in full.

When it came to submitting his skills assessment DIAC came back to him and told him that the skills assessment was dated AFTER the EOI was submitted.

The terms of the EOI are that you have a valid skills assessment (basically you have to have it in your hand)

He lost his visa application fee.....and got banned from applying for another visa for three years.

He is 51 in three years so most likely he will lose the opportunity to emigrate indefinitely.


I mean no offence to DK2014 as I'm sure they had nothing but the best intentions when answering your question.


Best of luck in your application.



You are quite right. Hopefully OP did not act on the incorrect advice given above...

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DK2014 - from your signature it appears that you may have submitted your EOI before receiving your Skills Assessment.


I fear that you may have shot yourself in the foot if your skills assessment is dated after the date you submitted your EOI. I'd suggest to double check the dates and if that is the case then you'll need to say something to DIAC without delay or consult a migration agent for further advice.


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DK2014 - from your signature it appears that you may have submitted your EOI before receiving your Skills Assessment.


I fear that you may have shot yourself in the foot if your skills assessment is dated after the date you submitted your EOI. I'd suggest to double check the dates and if that is the case then you'll need to say something to DIAC without delay or consult a migration agent for further advice.



Again agree with the above. DK2014 you must retract your EOI and start again once you have your skills assessment.

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