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Criminal record from 2007 and expect to still get a visa in 18 months


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I spoke with a migration expert and have been informed that if my record stays the same for the next 18 months there should be no reason I wouldn't get a visa. Obviously I know every case is specific but it may well give hope to others as it has for me now.


To explain my situation so you can see if its similar, I was convicted in April 2007 and sentenced to 18 months in a YOI of which I served 5 months, no record before and no record after but I have what Australia class as a "substantial criminal record"


I know this isn't me having a visa but I hope it will give people hope as to weather they have a chance or not.

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Thanks for sharing this as we get lots of people asking about criminal records. Make sure you let us know how you go .


Cal x


Your welcome, I know its not a definite answer but its about giving people the hope.


I will be sure to let people know how I get on but I have a while yet(at least 3 years) it was just about getting that sorted so I know whether to put the effort in or now

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